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Kyiv Center for Maritime Transport Specialists, Training, Retraining and Refreshing Competence (KCMT) was established in April 2000 with the aim of training, retraining and professional development of officers and ratings working on Ukrainian and foreign marine and river vessels. KCMT also organizes courses for driver of small crafts. These courses train drivers of boats, motor boats, and personal water crafts.

Today, in order to ensure quality training of the trainees, KCMT has special training classes with visual aids and educational posters, classrooms with modern computer simulators, as well as training vessel for practical training of the trainees on relevant courses. Training course curricula are developed based on the recommendations of IMO standard model courses and international standards.

To ensure the quality of training KCMT implemented quality management system in accordance with the requirements of DSTU ISO 9001: 2009 and ISO 9001: 2015 certified by the Shipping Register of Ukraine and Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS.

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KCMT quality assurance policy includes:

- achieving and maintaining the training compliance with the requirements of the International Convention on Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1978, as amended (STCW);
- improving the training of marine specialists to ensure their high competitiveness at employment and further promotion;
- improving the system of training, retraining and advanced training of the teaching staff;
- expanding the relations with shipowners and crewing companies to improve the quality of trainees' training.

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KCMT's goal in the quality system is:

- education and training of highly qualified water transport specialists on the basis of the creation and improvement of high quality, state-of the art national and international curriculum requirements;
- training, professional development of marine specialists on the basis of the standards set by the STCW Convention, as well as other international and national conventions, codes, laws and standards.

KCMT's commitment to the quality system is that the trained seafarers should get not only high quality theoretical knowledge, but also - due to simulator training - practical skills and ability to efficiently and effectively carry out their duties on board of the vessel in various situations.

Training of the operators of small crafts and seafarers in KCMT is provided by highly qualified, experienced trainers - teachers who regularly take part in international conferences, trainings and workshops. The level of qualification of our trainers - teachers meets regulatory licensing requirements and is confirmed by the relevant diplomas and certificates.

Training is carried out at our center in accordance with the reguirements of STCW. It acknowledges receipt of the license.

The level of qualification of our trainers - teachers meets regulatory licensing requirements and is confirmed by the relevant diplomas and certificates.

See procedure for registration for training in KCMT and obtaining license to a boat, motor boat, personal water craft here.

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