УВАГА! Центр відновив свою роботу з 17.11.2023 року.
GMDSS simulator TGS 5000
The simulator is intended for training and certification of shipboard professionals receiving GMDSS operator's certificate (GOC) or diploma limited area operator GMDSS (ROC).
The simulator provides the following features:
- Complete simulation of radio VHF / MF / HF DSC modes, telephone, telex and satellite communications by telephone, telex, telephone and e-mail between jobs (courts), as well as with the coastal radio stations in automatic and semi-automatic (with an instructor) modes for any navigation areas;
- Simulation of transmission of navigation safety messages through the Safety NET service, NAVTEX and HF frequencies\telex;
- Simulation of radio propagation with the use of radio model, which takes into account the frequency range, time of day and the distance between the stations;
- Search and rescue operations using radar to detect SART marks, providing rapid change of course and speed of the vessel;
- E-map showing the coast station bases, GMDSS sea areas, search and rescue regions, as well as the opportunity to assess the radio communication range depending on the communication range;
- Regime change function with the network on a standalone allows for self-study in the demonstration mode, test and examination;
- Recording and playback of radio communication sessions;
- Simulation of the transceiver AIS class A AIS data display and AIS-SART to radar Bridge Master E;
- Simulation of Inmarsat SAILOR 250 Fleet Broad Band system;
- Simulation of receiver GLONASS / GPS Transas T-701.